Water Cooler
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Bottled vs Bottleless
The old standard was bottled water.  The big plastic jugs were delivered to you for a monthly fee.  Today more and more offices and homes are moving away from the plastic bottles to bottleless water dispensers.  Here are some good reasons:
There is no monthly deliver and maintenance fees.
Convenience and Safety
The bottles full of water are heavy.  Lifting them to the top of the dispenser can be difficult and a source of injury.  Plus, you need to store both the full and empty bottles.  Bottleless dispensers have none of those problems. 
Increased Productivity
Whoever is now charged with reordering water, storing and moving the bottles, lifting and loading them to the machine, and cleaning the dispenser's reservoir can do something more productive.
Water borne Chemicals
The chemical BPA is found in the water stored in the plastic bottles. 
Better for the Earth (and us)
Plastic bottles are a major problem in landfills (38 billion a year!) and consume 20 million barrels of oil each year to produce.  Monthly truck delivery consumes fossil fuels.
Known Content
Bottled water is unknown water and In many cases it is simply municipal water, taken right from the tap. If you pay for filtered water, what you can save will pay for your new bottleless water cooler.

Most bottleless water coolers offer state-of-the-art water purification technologies, such as Ultraviolet Sanitization, Activated Carbon Water Filtration, and Reverse Osmosis to give you the cleanest, safest and best tasting water available.  Most dispensers can give you hot water in addition to cold.

Just to let you know, we get a little commission if you buy something from this site.  Maybe enough to get a soda, or maybe 1/2 a pizza.  (If you buy two we could get a whole pizza!  That would be awesome.)  There are bunches of products out there we could review, but we truly believe these are the best.